Since 2012 I organize workshops with teenagers in high-schools. The aim is to develop their skills as visual storytellers and to encourage them to express themselves through photography and to let their fantasy flow. They learn how to create a photographic serial, how to select smartly and they enhance their technical understanding.
The range of topics is wide: self identity, architecture, role models in publicity adds, street art, portraits, light and shadow... Have a look to some pictures of my students!
The workshops include 2 or 3 units, depending on the teachers need and time
Unit 1
In the first unit we get to know each other, I explain the workshop topic and together we go through the technical challenges and start elaborating different ideas. We already go into practice and try examples out on our phones, discuss the results and establish a creative homework to do until the next session.
Unit 2
The second session takes place in a professional photography studio. Here the students get to know a real studio setting with different light sources, DLS cameras and lots of fun! I will help them to navigate studio photography without overwhelming them, by realizing a concrete photographic idea. We also select the pictures together!
Unit 3
The last session is all about feedback and presentation! I will bring the printed artworks of every student and we present the outcome all together, talk about difficulties and challenges and celebrate our creativity
making off
My Friend Gustavo Petek was so nice to assist me during a workshop and filmed! So enjoy some nice impressions of a day in the studio with my students!
Have a look at some examples of different workshops done in the last years

making off - gratitude workshop
This photo workshop on the subject of gratitude offers young people the opportunity to express their own creativity and at the same time turning their focus more inwards. Especially in today’s fast-paced world, the students are confronted with such a mass of images and information that it seems all the more important to align and focus again. Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for coming back to the here and now and bringing our attention to what is.
In the second part we work with professional cameras, studio lighting and different backgrounds so that the students get their first insight into a professional photographic studio setting.
The theme of gratitude is further developed by creating portraits/friendship pictures with the focus to reveal the true positive character of each student.
Enjoy the video!
How it all started
I started teaching workshops 2012 in Sri Lanka, where I was awarded for the artists in residence project by an NGO located in Vienna. It was an incredible experience to teach Sri Lankan youngsters to see their world through a lens, and I got to learn a lot from my students too. Back in Vienna I started with the workshops in high schools and it brings me lots of joy.